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VSTS and Xamarin CI & CD

In Evolve 2016 Visual studio team services (VSTS) team has made an awesome presentation about managing Xamarin apps with VSTS . This talk inspired me to try this new experience. In this post we are going to configure build pipeline for Xamarin iOS and will add to that the integration with HockeyApp and Xamarin Test Cloud. Steps Configure build agent. Create a new build definition for our app. Publish app to Xamarin Test Cloud.

Xamarin CI / CD with Bamboo and HockeyApp

I decided to write this post, only if It will add a value to someone, so please like this post if it will add a value to you :) Thanks

Xamarin - WebView Calling C# Code From JS

I’m writing this post to document how can we trigger c# code from javascript in (Android & iOS) WebView applications, each different platform has a different way for handling this scenario as following: Scenario: We have a hybrid app that needs to mark page as favourite a link is clicked inside a WebView. iOS: We need to add url handler so for e.g. assume we have a page we need to mark this page as favourite from JS will be calling a url like this one “myapp://favourite?